Celebrating Earth Day with Black Diamond
Donate your old retired gear to a great cause! BD is partnering with Cairn and their Gear Up Give Back program, which keeps used outdoor gear out of landfills and in the hands of those in need.
The process is simple: pull your old gear out of the closet, pack it up, print a pre-paid shipping label courtesy of the Gear Up Give Back Program, and send it on its way. The Gear Fix team will repair your equipment, sell it in their shop, and the net proceeds will be matched by Cairn and Gear Fix and donated to the Outdoors for All Foundation: an organization committed to sharing the benefits of outdoor recreation with children and adults with disabilities.
To make things even sweeter, if you donate used equipment to Gear Up Give Back within the next week, you'll receive a 20% off coupon code to redeem on our website. Coupon valid through 4/29/21. Exclusions apply.
Happy Earth Day!